7 July 2015
Summer in Akker Brygge

Naturally, I find myself in the position where I've got school work to do in the summer - which perhaps explains my all too unhappy look. But at least the sun is out, I've good company, comfy clothes, and I've found a nice little cafe with a sweet view.
7 March 2015

Finding myself overly excited about shopping since I haven't been in a while, plus all the winter items I coveted in December are now on sale.
I went some weeks ago and this is what became of it. And I'm entirely too pleased with myself, mostly because my self-restraint in December turned out to be rather beneficial; the one piece I really lusted over in Sandro was, remarkably, still in stock and happened to be reduced by half - if not more.
Was also able to stop by the very charming YME book shop, which was nice. Had some tea and a good look at books.